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Curry Mallet Church of England VC Primary School

Learning Zone

Physical Education

Curriculum Overview

Our curriculum approach to PE reflects our ethos statement ‘We live life in all its fullness’. In particular, we are keen for pupils to discover their own passion and enthusiasm for sport and physical activity.


For all children to have a love of physical activity and sport. For children to develop key skills and have opportunity to use these skills against other teams, both in school and outside. To offer a wide range of extended opportunities for pupils who wish to develop and continue sporting activities through specialist coach-led after school clubs.


PE is taught discretely by the class teacher or a specialist coach. As well as PE lessons, the children in Reception and Year 1 take part in weekly Forest School activities. After school we offer a range of extracurricular sports clubs to years 1 – 6.


Children engage in and enjoy PE and are able to apply the skills they have learnt to opportunities outside of school. Children enjoy physical activity and develop healthy habits leading to healthy lifestyles. KS1 and KS2 children are given the opportunity to take part in events, competing within school and against other schools in the area.


We follow the National Curriculum and use REAL PE (scheme) to teach PE lessons. This Scheme of work clearly demonstrate how physical education learning sequences increase the depth of understanding and range of skills and knowledge throughout the primary years.

Knowledge and skills progression through the school

  •  FUNS progression of skills Framework expectation for end of key stage 1, end of lower key stage 2 and end of upper key stage 2.
  • Real PE progression of skills for personal, social, applying physical, cognitive, creative and health and fitness for end of key stage 1, end of lower key stage 2 and end of upper key stage 2.
  • Outdoor adventurous activity
  • Swimming
    ◦ To swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters
    ◦ To use a range of strokes effectively
    ◦ To perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations


Lessons do not require written notes. Teachers assess the children on their increasing knowledge and skills which will inform their next session.


PE lead completes learning walks, speak to pupils about their learning and discuss with colleagues what has gone well. PE Lead to be made available to offer subject knowledge and advice when needed to support teaching staff in their understanding and delivery of the curriculum.


October 2024

PE and Sport Rolling Programme


 PE and sport Rolling program 2024 - 25

 PE and Sport Curriculum Overview and Rolling Programme